Level I and Level II Trauma Centers

As published in the 26 March 2003 edition of The Journal of the American Medical Association, there are 190 Level I Trauma Centers and 263 Level II Trauma Centers in the United States. Summed together, this establishes 453 locations where this life-saving technology can and should be deployed.

The Figures and Tables in the above article provide an overview as to their category and distribution.

Click here to find the actual list of trauma centers in the United States.

Everyone who shares the mission of bringing this cutting-edge treatment for severe carbon monoxide poisoning to the benefit of society should first begin by becoming familiar with the capabilities of the medical facilities that are as close to your home as possible. There may even be a role for people to become ‘advocates’ both at their local medical center as well as with their state Department of Public Health to promote the purchasing and adoption of this life saving technology.

It should also be understood that the capital equipment acquisition process for costly high-tech medical equipment often has a budgetary cycle that spans multiple years.

Therefore, the Directors of Emergency Medicine Departments, Trauma Center Directors, and senior hospital administrators of these Level I and Level II centers are encouraged to contact Heme Photonics LLC in the not-too-distant future regarding our product so as to explore the availability and timeline whereby a “CO Treatment Crash Cart” may be obtained for your individual facility.