
As a start-up company with limited financial support and resources at this time, philanthropy is always welcome and encouraged!

Perhaps you have been sadly impacted by an adverse event associated with carbon monoxide. Maybe you know of someone, or some family, that has in some way suffered from the ill-effects of carbon monoxide. Or perhaps you just wish to donate to a worthy and noble cause. If so, you are welcome to reach out to the company and to its founder.

Any and all donations will be used exclusively to the benefit of moving this project forward. And with your permission, your contribution will be mentioned on this page.

In this regard, the company would like to acknowledge the Worcester Glass Company located at 376 West Boylston Street in Worcester for providing the 7 cm x 7 cm x 3 mm piece of glass as the optical window for the single exposure cell preprototype free of charge.

It’s a small philanthropic beginning, but it IS a start!