Three Patents Granted

Be sure to first read the main heading of Our Product before proceeding to learn about the three patents that were granted and which support this new technology.

Needless to say, there have been tremendous scientific and technical advances during the last thirty-five years.

Consider, for example, the Internet. While its origin can be traced to the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, the Internet emerged in the US in the 1970’s. However, the Internet did not become widely visible to the general public until the 1990’s. And at present, about 4.5 billion people, or more than half of the world’s population, are estimated to have access to the “world wide web”.

After Dr. Smyczynski placed his idea on “pause” in 1987, in the decades that followed, similar statements can be made with regard to the incredible developments in medical technology. Among these include advances involving lasers, the development of biocompatible semipermeable membranes, and many other related aspects.

By the year 2010, it appeared that the invention was finally possible. Therefore, and based on the title from his original presentation at Wayne State University on 12 November 1986, Dr. Smyczynski filed the following Provisional Patent Application on 12 February 2011, “Extracorporeal Photodynamic Blood Illumination (Irradiation) For The Treatment of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning”.

As found on the following pages, this was the first step in what ultimately resulted in the granting of three patents for this life-saving technology.